PET-Sprachen, Feedback on your course or seminar. Thank you for taking a moment to give us feedback on your language course or seminar/workshop. Language or seminar Please selectEnglish courseGerman courseFrench courseSpanish courseItalian courseChinese courseOther languageSeminar or workshop Your Name (optional) Your Company Name of Trainer How satisfied are you with the delivery and content of the course overall? very satisfiedsatisfiedpartially satisfiednot satisfied If "not satisfied" please give the reason How satisfied are you with the experience and knowledge of the trainer? very satisfiedsatisfiedpartially satisfiednot satisfied If "not satisfied" please give the reason How satisfied are you with the relevance of the content to your personal or work objectives? very satisfiedsatisfiedpartially satisfiednot satisfied If "not satisfied" please give the reason Which elements of the course did you find especially useful? Everything fineNotes Your comments: What could be improved? Nothing, all OKNotes Your comments: Do you feel that your wishes are being taken into account? YesNotes Your comments: Additional comments and/or wishes: Are you interested in a continuation of the course? YesNo If no, reason: We’d be happy to call you if you’d like to discuss your feedback with us personally. If so, please enter your contact number or email address: I hereby consent to the collection, storage and use of the above data. The data will of course not be passed on to third parties and will be treated confidentially. If you wish to delete your data from our database, please send us an email to with the request to delete it. For further information on data protection, please see our data privacy notice. Thank you very much for your time! Your PET-Sprachen Team